Service Check-In
Upon arrival, you will be given a Service Check-in form. Once you’re done setting up on your site, complete the Service Check-in form and take it to the Service Desk. The Service desk will be staffed Tuesday through Friday and Service work will occur Tuesday through Friday.
Service Desk Location
The Service Desk has moved. It is now located inside the Sheep-Swine Arena on Maple Street. Please enter through the doors on Maple Street. If there is a line of people inside checking in, kindly wait patiently in the queue.
Note: There is no vehicle parking on Maple Street as we need to maintain the open road for fire accesses. It’s best to walk, bike or golf cart to Service Check-In. If you must drive your truck to this area, park on the grass, to the north of the Sheep-Swine pens on Dahlia Lane, behind the long ECCC building.
Follow this link to the Camping page and scroll down to the Venue map image. Look for a white rectangle with Service Desk on it. That’s where the Sheep-Swine Arena in. Remember, if you drive your truck there, DO NOT park on Maple Street. Park north of there on a side road.