We’re having a potluck meal on THURSday, MAY 30TH
details below

All registered Rally Attendees.

Ally Rally Potluck Dinner
(Margaritas furnished and served by the Texas Allies)

Thursday, May 30th. Drop off your dish at 5:30. We’ll eat about 6:00 pm.
There will be a team to take your food items. The team will determine where and when best to place your item on the serving tables. Take a seat and visit with your table-mates 🙂

Event Hall (building A).

How do I signup?
Follow this link to take 1 or 2 slots on the Perfect Potluck site for this meal.
Follow this link for tips on how to sign up – especially when doing so from a smart phone.

What should I bring? How much should I bring? What about serving utensils?

On the signup page, see the serving size suggestions in the notes for each category. It is okay if you over-produce. You may also signup for more than one category. Appetizers and Mains especially.

The rally will provide plates, bowls, flatware, napkins, cups, salt, pepper.

The rally will provide bottled water and ice.

The rally will provide a number of types of serving utensils. It’s okay to bring your own too. Mark them with your name if you want them back.

– Drop-off detail and serving time is subject to change.
There will NOT be power for crockpots etc. Bring your hot foods very hot!
– We encourage you to use disposable vessels and serving utensils. If you want your serving vessels and utensils back, please mark them with your name, then retrieve them at the end of the meal.