Welcome to the Ally Rally Home Page
What is the Ally Rally?
The Ally Rally is Alliance RV’s national rally where Alliance owners (Allies) from all across the US and Canada gather to rally around the brand. Allies will be able to meet and make friends with other Allies, share their RV travel adventures and compare various aspects of their Alliance RVs. Allies will have opportunities to learn more about their RVs and how to maintain them. There will also be opportunities to do crafts, play games and enjoy some catered meals. We will be providing complimentary minor service work for those who attend. Allies will have an opportunity to meet the founders and other key employees of Alliance RV and learn about the state of the industry, the state of Alliance RV and what we feel the future holds. This and much more will happen over a 3-day period.
Who can attend?
The rally is open to all Alliance RV product owners. We also welcome those who are considering the purchase of an Alliance as well as friends and relatives of Allies that will be at the rally.
When is it?
Wednesday, May 28 through Friday, May 30, 2025.
(Additional camping dates before and after the rally days are available. Please see FAQ.)
Where is it?
Elkhart County 4H Fairgrounds, 17746-D County Road 34, Goshen, IN 46528
What’s the cost?
Rally Fee: $210 for up to 2 adults (and any children through age 11)
Additional Person fee (ages 12 to 17): $50 each
Additional Person fee (age 18 and over): $100 each
Rally Camping: $50 per night for sites with sewer
Rally Camping: $35 per night for sites without sewer*
Pump-out Service: $60 per pump-out
*Pump-out service is offered and is purchased separately. Cost is subject to change.
Golf Cart Rentals: Pricing is TBA. We plan to offer 3-Day and 6-Day rentals.
Rally Registration – how do I register for it?
Registration will be done online. You will submit a registration request form during the month of December. We will select attendees using a lottery system and contact those who are randomly selected in January with a link to complete their registration. Selected attendees will have a week to complete their registration and payment.
When can I register for it?
Online registration requests will be open Monday, December 2 through Tuesday, December 31, 2025.
How can I learn more about the rally?
Check out our Rally FAQs to learn more.